5 Tips to getting results this New Year
Good bye 2016. Hello 2017. So it's that time of year again when we start making our annual health kick promises to ourselves. But how long will they actually last? Try following these 5 tips to stay motivated and achieve your 2017 health and fitness goals.

Don’t just go to the gym when you can squeeze in the time. Block out each session as a scheduled appointment in your diary.
Arranging regular bookings with a personal trainer or a friend provides extra motivation to not let them down.

2. Seek professional advice
Getting some advice can really put you in the right direction to reaching your goals. Everyone’s goals are different and so are their starting point. A personal trainer can provide you with some safe effective exercises and some nutritional advice designed specifically to you.

3. Set goals
Setting short and long term goals is very important to keeping
yourself motivated and to continue progress. Make sure these
goals are achievable and not impossible to reach, no one likes to fail.

4. Prepare
Preparation is the key to success. Before you start working out have an exercise programme to follow. Serious about keeping to that healthy eating plan? Strip your cupboards from all the foods that are bad and stock them with wholesome healthy foods. Plan your meals for the week ahead. This way you will not be tempted by a fast food opt out when you have nothing defrosted of dinner.

5. Enjoy
Cheesey yes, but why do anything if you’re not going to enjoy it. It’s 100 times harder to keep motivated if you really don’t like what you are doing. There are so many different ways to keep fit and be healthy, find the one you enjoy!
New year, New you